Analysis failed to be created from template due to cross sheet filter controls

I am trying to create a new analysis from a template and getting errors because of the cross sheet filter controls that exist in the original analysis. I am using CDK to automate the process of building new analyses from the original analysis and the error I receive is like in the picture below and seems to be related to the control of a cross sheet filter that exists on every sheet. It seems it doesn’t allow to have multiple of these filter control ids in the same template. I can resolve the issue by removing just the control from every sheet in the original analysis, where I succeed to recreate the analysis. Since the cross sheet filtering is a new feature, my guess is that this might be a bug but I am curious if anyone else came across this issue and if there is another way to resolve it.

Thank you

Hello @anasia !

I believe that you did find an error and that your current solution is probably the best one for the time being.

I would also recommend creating an AWS support ticket if you have not already. Here are the steps to open a support case. If your company has someone who manages your AWS account, you might not have direct access to AWS Support and will need to raise an internal ticket to your IT team or whomever manages your AWS account. They should be able to open an AWS Support case on your behalf.

I can also mark this as a feature request for the QuickSight team!

Thank you for you quick answer and the feature request mark. I have created a support ticket and wait for an answer. I will keep posted if this issue will be resolved.