I came across this post and other relative posts. From what I gather, the “auto-refresh” option only works for certain data sources like OpenSearch or Timestream. Can someone confirm if that’s correct? Are there any updates or workarounds for enabling auto-refresh for other data sources?
Additionally, I’m exploring embedding QuickSight dashboards into a website. If we embed a dashboard, is there a way to refresh the embedded content every minute? Would this lead to a smooth user experience, or does refreshing the dashboard cause all visuals to go into a loading state each time?
Would love to hear from anyone who has implemented something similar!
@DylanM - From the post below, I see that you mentioned a workaround. Could you please suggest how I can achieve that?
If i am not mistaken yes the Auto refresh option comes with Opensearch and Timestream dataset based dashboards only while publishing and data set must be a direct query.
In addition to that if QuickSight connects to the data store by using a direct query, the data automatically refreshes when you open an associated dataset, analysis, or dashboard. Filter controls are refreshed automatically every 24 hour.
I believe when it comes to embedding same rule applies. i don’t have experience in programmatically refreshing, may be @DylanM can share his experience.
When it comes to user experience, i think it also depends if you are embedding dashboard or multiple individual visuals, later may have some impacts depending upon how many visuals are embedded.
So, when we embed the whole dashboard, is there a possibility that all the visuals load in the same way as they do when using Direct Query on the QuickSight dashboard?
Sure no problem Deep. I am looking for some demo/blog or any workaround that shows programmatical approach. @DylanM
Hello @shravya, something that you can implement would be a type of refresh button. There are 2 ways to manage this. If you have a dataset on direct query, you will want to create the parameter on the dataset directly and connect it to the analysis before creating the button. If you have a SPICE dataset that refreshes every 15 minutes, you could put a refresh time (a SQL calculation that can bring in the last refresh time on the dataset) and then let the user know they need to click the button every 15 or so minutes. This parameter doesn’t need to be linked to the dataset, it just needs to refresh the sheet with the navigation action.
Here you can see the 2 calculated fields I made. One just shows the Refresh Data text, and the other will return True or False depending on the value of the RefreshData parameter value. Then you can customize a table visual to create a button type of element. Let me know if you need any more information on the topic. Thank you!
But I am looking at options where user don’t need to click on anything - The visuals should get updated by itself like refresh every minute? that’s the reason i was asking about the embedding of visuals and having it refreshed at certain time interval.
So the end goal is to look at the data updating real time on the visuals when it is embedded in a website without reloading or refreshing the page/data. (I understand that this is not possible within Quicksight itself i think this is a feature request tooo)
Hello @shravya, I understand. The embedded version will basically be the same functionality, but without the user click. You can pass an updated parameter value on a timer to update the data displayed on the sheet. That functionality exists within the embedding sdk. That should manage the data reload for the user without requiring them to click a button or refresh the page!
I can also tag this topic as a feature request since this is not handled natively in QuickSight.
Are you aware if someone has implemented this approach and how it behaves? For example, do all the visuals load simultaneously when refreshed using the SDK, or is there another pattern?
I’d like to know because I’m hesitant to adopt this approach if a refresh causes all visuals to remain in a loading state.
Hello @shravya, this entirely depends on the dataset type. If your dataset is direct query, then all visuals will individually reload with the refreshed data. Those load times can be dependent on the complexity of each individual visual.
If it is a SPICE dataset, then they should all reload at just about the same time. The load times will perform similarly to when you open the dashboard. I unfortunately cannot share a version of this, because we do not have this functionality in a public facing/anonymous embedded platform, but this is the functionality we implement on embedded dashboards.