I know QuickSight provides schedule and api for SPICE data refresh, and with direct query, data automatically refreshes when we open an associated dataset, analysis, or dashboard. However, my question is how can we do auto dashboard refresh, instead of refresh the page manually?
Is it to use update_dashboard_published_version API? Does it have any rate limits?
More context, we’re hoping to build a near real time dashboard to show changes automatically.
Auto refresh of the browser is available for ‘direct connection’ data sources. At the time of publishing the dashboard, check the box and provide the frequency of refresh in minutes.
Thanks for replying! However, I tried it in my account(free trial, should be standard edition) and there is no such a option. FYI, I was using direct query on Athena.
The ‘Dashboard Auto Refresh’ feature is only available if you use QuickSight Capacity Pricing (see the language that says “Capacity pricing is also required for programmatic refresh of dashboards for near real-time data rendering”).
One you change your pricing model to Capacity Pricing, you can reach out to your QuickSight account manager and they can submit the request to turn the feature on for you (it doesn’t get automatically enabled as of today). If you don’t know who your QuickSight account manager is, you can contact quicksightsales@amazon.com.
It could apply to both but its really more for Direct Query since usually the use case is to refresh the screen every 60 seconds (currently most frequent you can configure with the autorefresh feature). If the data is in SPICE you can do an incremental refresh as frequent as every 15 min, which is usually too long to be relevant to want to autorefresh the dashboards, but if you have a use case where you are OK with 15 minutes, then yes the team can turn it on even if you are using SPICE.
Yes, you are right it makes more sense for Direct Query connection. However, one of my users had this question during demo of dashboard which is using SPICE, so I wanted to make sure.
Thank you for the update.