Can I use the Charts or Widgets from a Dashboard A to Dashboard B?

Can I use the Charts Widgets from a Dashboard A to Dashboard B?

Hi @kodimalar.sakthivel,
I assume you are referring to the duplication of visuals into another existing dashboard when you wrote “using a visual in another dashboard”? Please let me know if my understanding of your ask is wrong.

Currently, the UI supports to duplicate visuals within the same sheet or into other sheets within the same dashboard via QuickSight’s UI. As the documentation points out, parameters and controls apply to all sheets, but are specific to each dashboard. This means it would potentially not be available on a different target dashboard (in your example Dashboard B).

Using QuickSight’s new API capabilities, you have the ability to extract visuals and all required dependencies (e.g. dataset, filters, parameters, etc.) programmatically from Dashboard A and update Dashboard B by adding the desired visual and dependencies to it.

I hope my solution worked for you. Let us know if this is resolved. And if it is, please help the community by marking his answer as a “Solution.”

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Thank you @Thomas , make sense! I have seen the APIs to create a dashboard from another analysis / dashboard. Thank you.