I have a requirement to reproduce some reports from another system but they are in the old ‘canned report’ style format ie a bit like forms or crystal reports. From what I can see Quicksight is obviously mainly for dashboards and the only real visual option for me is the Table option. I need to reproduce reports in the format similar to the attached, or where you might want to see data from 2 datasets on one page eg Patient Info at the top then their appointments in a different box below, is this kind of reporting possible? I looked at paginated reports but my trial ran out before I was able to come back to it, but even paginated reports doesn’t look much different to normal quicksight bar you can add a header & footer ?
Can Crystal style reports be achieved like my screenshot? Thanks
hi @LJB999 ,
here is an example of a paginated report : https://democentral.learnquicksight.online/#Dashboard-FeatureDemo-Reporting-Financial-Statements
Creating Paginated Reports in Amazon QuickSight: 2023 Amazon QuickSight Learning Series - YouTube
Test out your scenario in democentral as you get a sandbox for an hour.
democentral does not have paginated reports to trial ?
@LJB999 ,
did you take the site tour and then look at the example dashboard i provided ?
Hi Koushik
Thanks, hadn’t realised in your original response there were 2 URLs I watched the youtube but missed the demo central link. (I had gone to Demo Central but not that report)
It looks like it will partially meet my needs but not fully.
We will definitely need the ability to add a parameter the user can choose at runtime (see my other query How to add parameter to paginated report?)
Is there any update on this Feature Request ?
Hi @LJB999
No update, but I can mark this as a feature request again.