The dataset contains a full list of items. For row security these are shown to every tenant. Joined in are a set of tenant specific data. Filters are A, B, Date
Col A, Col B, Col C, Date, tenant
A, 1, null, null, global
A, 2, null, null, global
A, 3, null, null, global
A, 4, null, null, global
B, 8, null, null, global
B, 9, null, null, global
C, 1, null, null, global
C, 2, null, null, global
A, 2, 1, Jan, T1
A, 4, 1, Jan, T1
C, 2, 1, Aug, T1
When there is a value for any of Col A - I need to show all that group. When there is no tenant row for a group - I can’t show the group - B in this case can’t be shown.
Expected visual display
A, 1, 0
A, 2, 1
A, 3, 0
A, 4, 1
C, 1, 1
C, 2, 0
Further - if the user changes the date filter I need to alter the view again. So if the date is set to just Aug - I need to show the following:
C, 1, 1
C, 2, 0
I use a calculated field - maxover(sum(Col C), [Col A]) - as display_count.
I added a filter without a control based on ‘display_count > 0’
This works great for the visuals.
My issue is when I hit the A Filter drop list I see:
B was never a valid option. The filter is doing a simple select distinct on the dataset.
B is a dependent filter on A however without changing A - B contains:
Where 8/9 where never valid options.
I tried to create a calculated field to replace the basic A Column as the Filter.
ifelse({display_count} > 0, Col A, null) - however display_count is an aggregation and Col A isn’t - invalid.