Changing dashboard query method from Direct Query to Spice causes my dashboard data to become static

When I change the query method of my dashboard from Direct Query to Spice, my dashboard data no longer refreshes (it becomes static to the date stamp of the change over). Any thoughts about how to fix this? My dataset is built via Custom SQL.

Hello Kerru,

Thanks for reaching out.

If QuickSight connects to the data store by using a direct query, the data automatically refreshes when you open an associated dataset, analysis, or dashboard.

However, data does not automatically refresh for SPICE. You can refresh SPICE data by using any of the following approaches:

  • You can use the options on Datasets page.
  • You can refresh a dataset while editing a dataset.
  • You can schedule refreshes in the dataset settings.
  • You can use the CreateIngestion API operation to refresh the data.

The following link provides additional information about SPICE and refreshing data in Amazon QuickSight
