I have a dashboard and I am trying to apply conditional formatting for a pivot table that shows data over time, based on the results for the group via a calculated field.
I do not want to use fixed values which seems to be all that QS can do at this time? I do not see many options on the conditional formatting window to do this.
In the example screenshot, I would want to insert a green upwards arrow icon for instances where the PRR% increases Month over Month and red downwards arrow icon for those below. Current state however it appears I can only apply conditional formatting against a fixed value (ex: Green up arrow for >=90%, red arrow for <=89.99% etc).
When you create a table and go to properties > conditional formatting, it will open the possibility to create conditions with icons, add text color, or add background color. In any of the three options, you will need a value to use as a reference (format field based on) and apply the rule you want. Usually, the field that will be in the format field based on, I use a calculated field created with the formula difference(aggregated measure, [sort attribute ASC/DESC, …], lookup index, [partition by attribute, …]) adding all the relevant fields to the created table.
Hi @fernjf,
Since we have not heard back, I’ll go ahead and close out this topic. However, if you have any additional questions, feel free to create a new post in the community and link this discussion for relevant information if needed.