Count Users then segment it by the number of users, to finally add it to a pie_chart

Hello QuickSight Community:

I’m having a problem with segmentation and the count or countover function as well.


So this is what I’m having, I already created a calculated field that segments app_user_id, but I’m having trouble with the visualization of the data, because what I want to show is something like

Segments | Count_users
more than 50 | 100
Less than 50 more than 25 | 25

And after doing that I want to show the results in a pie_chart, I did it my way in SQL but the results can’t be filtered by Date, so I’m recurring to you guys.

Any help to push me in the right direction is much appreciated.

Hi @Gustavo_Gutierrez,

In your pie chart do you want the count for the “more than 50” segment to be 148 + 102 + 79 + 63 + 54 + 51?

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Hi @David_Wong

In the Pie_chart I want to display the different segments, like 30% is above 50, 25% is above 25-less than 50, so yeah I think, the 148+102+79+63+54+51 as a whole

What happens if you just put Segments in the “Group/Color” field well and app_user_id (Count) in the “Value” field well? Unless I’m misunderstanding your requirement, I feel like that should give you what you’re looking for.

Can you show your SQL query?

it says “Custom Aggregation fields are not allowed as a dimension” So I can’t put the segments in the group/color field, and my SQL query is this:

  COUNT(*) AS cantidad
  SELECT app_user_id,
      WHEN count(*) > 50 THEN 'Más de 50'
      WHEN count(*) >= 25 AND count(*) <= 50 THEN 'Entre 25 y 50'
      WHEN count(*) >= 10 AND count(*) < 25 THEN 'Entre 10 y 25'
      WHEN count(*) >= 5 AND count(*) < 10 THEN 'Entre 5 y 10'
      ELSE 'Menor a 5'
    END AS segmento,
  FROM scanning_history
  GROUP BY app_user_id, created_At
) AS subconsulta
WHERE created_At >= '2022-01-01 00:00:00'
GROUP BY segmento, created_At

I’m having these problem from last week, I read all the documentation but it is pretty difficult to apply it with no real world troubleshoot

OK, it’s clearer now. I thought that Segment was based on age or something, and didn’t realize it was calculated.

Can you try this?

Count of app_user_id = countOver({app_user_id}, , PRE_AGG)

Segment =
{Count of app_user_id} > 50, ‘Más de 50’,
{Count of app_user_id} >= 25 AND {Count of app_user_id} <= 50, ‘Entre 25 y 50’,
{Count of app_user_id} >= 10 AND {Count of app_user_id} < 25, ‘Entre 10 y 25’,
{Count of app_user_id} >= 5 AND {Count of app_user_id} < 10, ‘Entre 5 y 10’,
‘Menor a 5’

Then put Segment in the “Group/Color” field well and Count of app_user_id(Min) in the “Value” field well.

Is created_At the month? If you need to count by month, change the first calculated field to countOver({app_user_id}, [{created_At}] , PRE_AGG)


created_at is the date_time of when the user made a scan in our app.
I Followed your steps above and this are the results, I think it’s pretty close:

I’m blank at this, it’s beyond my QS knowledge when it starts with LAC - A - W functions

Why do you group by created_At here? If created_At is at the second level, doesn’t this mean you’re counting how many times a user scans in the same second?

I’m sorry David, I posted a wrong SQL query, this is the real code:

  COUNT(*) AS cantidad
  SELECT app_user_id,
      WHEN count(*) > 50 THEN 'Más de 50'
      WHEN count(*) >= 25 AND count(*) <= 50 THEN 'Entre 25 y 50'
      WHEN count(*) >= 10 AND count(*) < 25 THEN 'Entre 10 y 25'
      WHEN count(*) >= 5 AND count(*) < 10 THEN 'Entre 5 y 10'
      ELSE 'Menor a 5'
    END AS segmento
  FROM scanning_history
  GROUP BY app_user_id
) AS subconsulta
GROUP BY segmento

And this is what shows me

That’s the nearest I’ve been of an answer to this case, but again, I need to filter through dates in the dashboard, So if the pie chart doesn’t move or take any action is not gonna be accurate

Can you show the result of this subquery?

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This is the result,

It’s close to what I’m looking for

This is the main idea of what I’m trying to do

Try this:

Scans per User = countOver({created_at}, [{app_user_id}], PRE_AGG)

Segment =
{Scans per User} > 50, ‘Más de 50’,
{Scans per User} >= 25 AND {Count of app_user_id} <= 50, ‘Entre 25 y 50’,
{Scans per User} >= 10 AND {Count of app_user_id} < 25, ‘Entre 10 y 25’,
{Scans per User} >= 5 AND {Count of app_user_id} < 10, ‘Entre 5 y 10’,
‘Menor a 5’

Then put Segment in the “Group/Color” field well and app_user_id(distinct count) in the “Value” field well.


Worked Perfectly David, Thank you so much! :blush:

Thanks a lot!

Glad I could help! In general, if you need to use the calculated field as a filter or as a dimension in your visual, use countOver instead of count, sumOver instead of sum, etc.

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