Custom aggregation fileds is not allowed as a dimension


I’m creating a weekly dashboard to count how many workers turned from normal into resignation status and sort them into three types: resigning the next 2 week,1 month and 3 months.

I only got the 4 columns in the raw data 1)team,2)worker name,3)week number and 4)worker’s weekly status( “Normal”, “resign in 2 weeks”,“resign in 4 weeks”,“resign in 12 weeks”).

So I created a calculated filed to transfer the status into Integer type where Normal==1,resign 2weeks ==2 and so on. Then with the integers I created another calculated filed with the formula below to locate the status turning point in the week&worker level:

But the filed can‘t be used as a dimension, so I can’t use it to count the numbers in the team&week level. The error alert is “Custom aggregation fileds is not allowed as a dimension”

Dear friends, are there any solutions to solve this problem? Please let me know,Many thanks!

Hello there, anyone could help, Many thanks~

No one had encountered that? :sob:

I asked a similar question to yours and I didn’t get an answer either :frowning:


customer field not support right now.

Naveed Ali