Dataset editing access


i have a question. right now i can give access to my colleagues to read datasets but they are not able to change my query inside of dataset which i created. so it means they can only see the query not editing it . can you help me how to solve this issue ?

Hello @henihennin93 !

Do you want your users to be able to edit the dataset in Quicksight during the data prep stage? If so you will need to grant them edit access by allowing them to be co-owners of the dataset.

You can try the solution provided here:

this is not what i meant right now one user created a dataset and set me as the owner of this dataset as well. still when i what to edit the query of this dataset i get a error "You can’t execute the custom SQL query because you don’t have sufficient permissions to connect to the underlying data source.
" you can see the permission and error pictures

Hello @henihennin93 !

That makes more sense, thank for the extra details. Can you try the solution provided here:

Let me know if this helps!

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Hello @henihennin93 !

Were you able to try the solution in the post above?

Yes it works thanks and i changed permissions

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Hey @henihennin93!

I’m glad that worked!