Error with filters

In my standard monthly query to run GL detail by company, cost center and month, I keep receiving an error titled “getting the row level security configurations for your dataset took too long”. When i try to refresh the filter list, I then receive “something went wrong”. I’ve been attempting to refresh and fix for 4 hours and have not had success. Can someone assist? I have never had this issue before.

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Hi @Andrea_Zein - Welcome to AWS QuickSight community and thanks for posting the question. Looks like you have RLS ( Row Level Security) implemented in your data set. Are you able to see the sample data without any filter?

Tagging @Kellie_Burton and @Koushik_Muthanna @David_Wong for their expert advise.

Regards - Sanjeeb

The report completely populates as is now when I open the report visualization. I’m just trying to edit the month from April to May and none of the filters are working. I use this report multiple times a week and have not made any edits since my last run.
All the members on my team are having the same exact issues with their queries.

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Hi @Andrea_Zein - Looks like there is a generic issue with the report and it may require detail analysis. Just check any update happened to the data set. From the message it looks like some update happened to data set with RLS.

To investigate in detail, please raise a ticket to AWS customer support team so that they can see this issue with screenshare and this way the issue can be fixed quickly. To raise the ticket, please follow the link -

Regards - Sanjeeb

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I don’t have an AWS account and cannot sign in to create this ticket/use case (I’m just operating quicksight as an Amazon end user). Is there another way to get assistance? I’m at a complete standstill with my month-end close process and need help ASAP. @Sanjeeb2022

Hi @Andrea_Zein - Ok, let me check with some of the folks who can help you.

Hi @Kristin - can anyone help Andrea on this?

Regards - Sanjeeb

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Hi @Andrea_Zein,

I’ve seen this error before. I posted about it here and also reported it to AWS support.

In my case it happened because my child dataset with RLS contained too many parent datasets and it created a performance issue. I was told that the QS team was working on a fix but I don’t have an update on the status.
@Kristin Is there any way we can get an update on this issue?

If your issue is the same as mine, a workaround you can try is to remove some parent datasets from your child dataset or to merge some of them. I reduced my parent datasets from 18 to 11 and it worked for me.


Hey @David_Wong! Thanks for sharing this link with the Community and for reaching out. I just pinged Customer Support Team to see if they can get you an update. Thx!

And thanks @Sanjeeb2022 for raising visibility on this.

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