Feature Request: Dynamic formatting date values based on parameter


It would be helpful to have ability to dynamically format date field based on parameter value in QuickSight.

In our case we have Period parameter (with values: Month, Quarter, Week, Year), so it would be good to format date in charts in the following way:

  • Month - “MMM yyyy” (e.g. Jan 2024)
  • Quarter - “Q[1,2,3,4] yyyy” (e.g. Q1 2024)
  • Week - “Week [1,2,3, …, 52] - yyyy” (e.g. Week 2 - 2024)
  • Year - “yyyy” (e.g. 2024)

Above formatting should not break down “periodOverPeriodDifference” and “periodOverPeriodPercentDifference”.

We have tried to create calculated field with:

  • using “extract” function with “ifelse”, but it has drawbacks:
    • “extract” function doesn’t allow to get week from data
    • result is string type, what causes that “periodOverPeriodDifference” and “periodOverPeriodPercentDifference” functions don’t work.
    • there are problems with sorting - results can be sorted alphanumerically, but not chronologically due to string type
  • using “formatDate” function with “ifelse”:
    • “formatDate” doesn’t support formats like “yyyy”, “MMM yyyy”, week numbers and quarters (Supported date formats - Amazon QuickSight)
    • result is string type, what causes that “periodOverPeriodDifference” and “periodOverPeriodPercentDifference” functions don’t work
    • problems with sorting occur as well

Thread, which contains more details: Dynamic formatting values based on parameter

Best Regards,


Hello @piotr.marcinkiewicz !

This would be a really great feature. I will tag this as a feature request for the Quicksight team!


Hello @piotr.marcinkiewicz, since @duncan tagged this topic as a feature request, I will archive it for our support team. Thank you for providing so much detail in your request!