I would like to add a filter in the quick sight like departure_datetime(format 2023-05-03T17:15:00.000Z) should filter for next
0-15 days
15-30 days
30-60 days
60-120 days
120+ days
from today
how can I achieve this?
I would like to add a filter in the quick sight like departure_datetime(format 2023-05-03T17:15:00.000Z) should filter for next
0-15 days
15-30 days
30-60 days
60-120 days
120+ days
from today
how can I achieve this?
Hi @akashmanjunatha123 It will help if you can explain a bit more clearly what you want to achieve along with some sample data and output please? Thanks.
@SD_QS I want to restrict my data wrt the departure data say i want only the data after 15 days from today, next 15-30 days like wise, i want to set this control to check my revenue data
You can create a calculated field and add ifelse() in it.
{date} >= addDateTime(-30, ‘DD’, now()), ‘Past 30 days
{date} >= addDateTime(-60, ‘DD’, now()) and {date} < addDateTime(-30, ‘DD’, now()), ‘30-60 days’,
You can tweak the date range by changing the addDateTime() parameter.
Later on you can filter your visuals using this calculated field.
Hope this helps…….
@akashmanjunatha123 let us know if the suggestion provided by @ajinkya_ghodake does the trick for you? In which case please mark his answer as the solution as it helps others in the community…
I tweaked a bit, it did help, thanks so much
Marking @akashmanjunatha123 's response as solution.
Arun Santhosh