Hi, I have a dataset that currently looks like this:
Title | Data | Actual Create Date | ID | editID
Title | Case 1| 07-15 | 001| aaa
Status | Open | 07-15| 001 aab
Next step | stage2 | 07-18 | 001 | aac
Next step | stage 3 | 07-19| 001 | aad
Status | Closed | 08-16|001 | aae
Title | Case 2 | 05-14 | 002 |aba
Status | Open | 05-18 | 002 |aca
Next step | stage 2 | 05-20 | 002 |ada
Next step| stage 4| 05-25 | 002 |aea
and so on. Basically, Title and Data and actual create date column are non unique; ID is somewhat unique and editID is unique. I need to get the minimum date with the same ID but different edit ID. For example, for the line with ID = 001 and Actual create date = 07-18, it should have 07-19 for the “next date” column which has a different editID and same ID.
I thought about using minIf function, but I’m stuck. I read this article too: How to get max date with conditions (Fiters)
I currently have minIf({Actual Create Date},ShortId = {ShortId} AND Edit_ID <> {Edit_ID} AND {Actual Create Date} < ${Actual Create Date}). I am getting errors in Actual Create Date part
I would really appreciate the help - thank you very much in advance