Thanks @Giridhar.Prabhu , your information helps me a lot for Insight visual. But my concern right now is Table, Donut chart, KPI and Line chart. It would be appreciated if you have any solution for them.
Hi @dientc1501,
As Giri originally mentioned, currently the ability to customize what populates on a given visual type based on no records is not possible, his suggestion was more of a work around.
I’ll mark this as a feature request for the ability to setup a custom option in the case of no data on a visual.
If you have any additional questions, let us know. Otherwise, if we do not hear back within the next 3 business days, I’ll close out this topic.
Hi @dientc1501,
Since I’ve marked this as a feature request and we haven’t heard back, I’ll go ahead and close out this topic. However, if you have any additional questions, feel free to create a new post in the community and link this discussion for relevant information if needed.