How do I find the owner/author of a dashboard?

I need to find the owner/author of a particular dashboard. Since I am not the owner, I cannot use the share button method suggested to the others. Looks like the only way to see who owners are without being an owner of the dashboard is the technical way. Can you help explain how this is done?

Dashboard in question

Hello Seema,

Describe_dashboard_permissions to get the owners: describe-dashboard-permissions — AWS CLI 1.22.101 Command Reference
Sample syntax: aws quicksight describe-dashboard-permissions --dashboard-id <> --aws-account-id <> --region us-east-1
Sample response:
“Principal”: “arn:aws:quicksight:us-east-1::user/default/Administrator/deep”,
“Actions”: [
The principal is a user or a group. If you see “quicksight:DeleteDashboard” action in the actions list, then this principal should be the owner.
Furthermore, you can create an admin console by following this post:
CloudFormation Templates of the administrative console in Amazon QuickSight

See similar request here

Hope this helps.

Thanks for this Deep.
However, I do not have the input details like the aws account id or the dashboard id. I cannot seem to find it from the dashboard itself.
How can I proceed?

Hi Seema
You can contact you QS administrator for admin access.

Hello Seema,

if you are not an admin , reach out to him/her for the those informations.

Within console you could see -



Dashboard Id:

hope this helps.

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Tried these instructions but I get an error related to the credentials? How should i get access? I don’t have ID or password

Unable to locate credentials. You can configure credentials by running “aws configure”.

C:\Users\alessanc>aws configure
AWS Access Key ID [None]:
AWS Secret Access Key [None]:
Default region name [None]:
Default output format [None]:

Also, can anyone run this and let me know the owner, please?

aws quicksight describe-dashboard-permissions --aws-account-id wwcs-quicksight --dashboard-id f3689cc1-d064-4b57-ada0-dd8eedd4e226 --region us-east-1