How do I make a multi-select dropdown filter with mapping value and value from other dataset?


  • I have two datasets: users (aurora mysql) and countries (static file).
  • The users dataset has a country_code field (e.g., jp, us).
  • The countries dataset has code (country code) and name (country name).
  • I want a multi-select dropdown filter for users.country_code and that dropdown values is name field from countries dataset.

Is there a way to do this in QuickSight without manually mapping codes to names in SQL or joining these datasets?

Hi @tobinguyen and welcome to the QuickSight community!
So to make sure I understand correctly, you would like to create a drop down of your country names that filters down a visual based on your ‘users’ dataset?
Currently, QuickSight does not support the ability to sync up 2 datasets in this way. The best option would be a table join.

At AWS, our roadmap is primarily driven by our customers, your feedback helps us build a better service. I have tagged this as a feature request to promote visibility to the support team.

Thank @Brett

That’s the answer I was looking for! I’ll use table join.

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