How to get Username value in filter in a quicksight dashboard

I have a dataset say A , another dataset B which defines A’s RLS.
A has employee id , total amount
B has Username , employee id

So A is only showing the values of the Usernames that are logging in.
Now in B , i added my name with null , which means it should show me data for every employee, which it is.

But i also want to filter my QS dashboard based on the different users, since i have access to all of them. Is there a way to do this? Thanks in Advance.

You should just be able to add a filter.


Is that what you’re talking about?

Hi Max, How can i add filter from ‘username’ column from RLS dataset ?


You’ll need to join that dataset onto your original dataset that you are reporting on so that the column becomes available in the reporting dataset.

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