How to Pass URL Parameters for QuickSight Filters and Controls?

Hi, I want to programmatically pass parameters to the QuickSight dashboard URL for automating dashboard KPI data . I’m new to QuickSight and need help passing parameters directly in the URL to set default filter values. I have two controls for Start Date and End Date (format: DD-MMM-YYYY), and two filters for:

  • Facility: All, ahpb, ohbu, mpb, appolo
  • Unit: All, 7b, 8c, 12k, ahpb-05

I tried using a URL like this:<dashboard_id>#p.Start%20Date=10-Oct-2021

Hello @ngpinsights ,

Welcome to the QuickSight Community!

Based on the documentation , this should work.

What error are you getting? I am not sure about the space in the parameter name, can you remove it and try again? i know spaces in values do work fine.

Thank you!

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I am not getting any error but the after hitting the url, the values are not getting selected in the controls.

Tried below URL’s:


Even though after hitting the above URL, the start date is not getting set to value passed in the parameter.

Refer to attachment for controls/fields.

@andres007 , Any update on my query?

Hi @ngpinsights,

Sorry I have not been able to test in my account yet. Can you take a look at this documentation?

I beleive you should be passing the data in the formats supported, like:

Let me know if this works, when can test again with my account I can confirm.

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Confirmed, it is because the formate of the date you are using MMM does not work as a parameter, try the date in the formats provided in the documentation. e.g.

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