Is it possible to add a custom font?

is there any way to add a custom font ?
I just see 8 different fonts available from now



Hi @bherard - Can you please give more details around it. any screenshot or sample can help to advise you.

Tagging @Ashok and @Max for their feedback.

Regards - Sanjeeb


Hi @bherard , I think currently QuickSight provide only 8 font you can not add any custom font in QuickSight.

Yes it is a good point we can raise this as a feature request.

Thanks & Regards
Biswajit Dash

Ok thanks for your answers,
I thought there was a possibility to add a font using a workaround such as css or else.
@Sanjeeb2022 : I was talking about any text where you can choose a font in QuickSight in general

I think it could be a good point to raise it as a feature request, as sometimes, to respect an enterprise graphic indentity, you need to use a dedicated font.

Do you know where to suggest it as feature request ?


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hi @bherard , where you put the howto & formatting in same ways you can add it as feature request. I already added no need to add again.

Also I am tagging @Max to mark this as feature request.

Thanks & Regards
Biswajit Dash