Limit Date Ranges in a Parameter

Hello Team, I have start and end date parameters in my dashboard and my dataset only has data available from Jan 1, 2021 to Aug 21, 2024, but the parameter control allows the user to select any previous date from a start parameter and future dates for the end parameter. how can i limit the date ranges in these parameter to match my database date range.

Hi @Anup_Kumar_Padishala

As per my understanding no such feature available in QS.
You can raise support ticket or feature enhancement for this.

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Hi Anup @Anup_Kumar_Padishala ,

We have this in our Product Feature Request list.
You can have your AWS TAM/SA add a customer influence at this internal link.

In case you don’t have a dedicated AWS contact, send me a note with your org details and I will add the customer influence on your behalf (Click my user tile above and use the message option there).

Arun Santhosh
Pr QuickSight SA