LOD Functions in Quicksight

I have one dimension in Multiple Rows
Opportunity ID | Opportunity Values
XXX | 1000
XXX | 1000
XXX | 1000
YYY | 500
YYY | 500

When I aggregate the Value in this table I should see 1500$ instead of $4000. Could you please help me with that.
If I created
avgover(avg(Value), opportunityid) calculated field, I’m getting error message. Also I cannot use that field without opportunityid in the view. Please help to resolve this issue.

Not sure what error message you are getting but this is the correct syntax (assuming you want to get the average not sum as in your example)

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Hi, sumover(avg({Value}), [opportunityid]) should give you the right total of $1,500.

We are also developing a feature that will allow user to define any level for aggregation, independent of, high than or lower than the visual level. That feature will make this use case more straight forward.