Log in problems maybe connected to IAM


In a post (here) I described this problem. I never understood really what was happening.

then it happened again some days ago where a user could log in without problem and suddenly the log in did not work anymore and he was sent to the root log in again. This people had access to some other AWS account with a connection to a S3 but this problem did not show before…so I do not know why at a certain point this happened. So I deleted the account and use a different username than the email of the person and that fixed the problem.

any news about this problem?

Today I also realized that during the creation of an account that there is a IAM window (has it always been there ?)…I am wondering if it is possible to change this setting after that the user is created. Just to see if it is the conflict between the IAM role that exist in some AWS account or something else.

thank you

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Hello @remba87, I have experience this issue before. I am not sure what causes this redirect to occur, but the user should still be able to access as expected if they go to the proper link.

In scenarios when they are directed to the root user IAM sign-in page, have them go directly to the quicksight sign-in link with your account alias attached at the end. It will look like this:

Then, they should be able to bypass the IAM sign-in page and update their password. Let me know if this helps!

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Hi @DylanM,

good to know that I am not the only one :slight_smile:

I do not know how they try to log in…

Next time it happens. I will try to send the link

https://quicksight.aws.amazon.com/sn/start?directory_alias=myQSaccountname ?

I will update if it happens again :slight_smile:

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Hello @remba87, there are definitely some quirks with this that I am still trying to decipher myself. I ran into a similar issue yesterday, but it was on an embedded platform and was a little more complex. Luckily, if you are utilizing the QuickSight console directly, my above reply should resolve the issue. I’ll mark it as the solution for now, but if you run into any further problems with this, please let me know!

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Just wanted to say that I had the same problem and your solution fixed!

thank you

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