Month and Year Picker Seperately

Hello @Everyone,

I have been working on implementing separate pickers for the month and year. I have successfully developed a year picker; however, I am encountering difficulties with the month picker. Currently, it operates using an integer format, which displays the numerical representation of the months. My objective is to display the names of the months instead. Could you please advise on how to achieve this?


Hi @Vaibhav.narwade , Hope this message finds you well!!

I have had a issue like this someday, so my suggestion is that you can create a calculated field that maps month numbers to their corresponding names. Use the ifelse function to achieve this mapping, like this:

ifelse( {Month} = 1, "January", {Month} = 2, "February", {Month} = 3, "March", {Month} = 4, "April", {Month} = 5, "May", {Month} = 6, "June", {Month} = 7, "July", {Month} = 8, "August", {Month} = 9, "September", {Month} = 10, "October", {Month} = 11, "November", {Month} = 12, "December", "Unknown" )

once the calculated field is created, you can use it in your visual or filter to display month names instead of numbers. This approach allows you to dynamically convert month numbers to names within qs without altering the source data.

Tell me if it’s helps you :smiley:


Hello @lary_andr,

Thank you for your prompt response.:blush:
I am currently utilizing the same method and am exploring the most effective approaches available.
Any guidance you could provide would be greatly appreciated.

Best regards,

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