Port content error - viz-challenge-h2-2023-3rd-place-winner-databricks-observability-tcs


I am trying to obtain the underlying definitions from the dashboard: Viz Challenge H2 2023 - 3rd Place Winner - Databricks Observability TCS. However, I keep encountering the same error message regardless of the analysis I select.

“Message from QuickSight Arena (Error)”: “Internal error - Please try again later. If issue persists, please let us know via a post in Question and Answer section.”

Could someone assist me with how to view the detailed content of this dashboard?
Is there some way to understand how the datasets for this dashboard is created?

Thanks in advance,

@rickarriaga Would you be able to assist on this request

Hi @ssmayamp

Are you trying to view and download dataset or do you need instructions on how to obtain the observability metrics from databricks ?


Hi Vinod,
I would like to understand how to recreate all the datasets used for building the dashboard - https://community.amazonquicksight.com/t/viz-challenge-h2-2023-3rd-place-winner-databricks-observability-tcs/25612 .


Hi @ssmayamp, you may want to reach out to the actual owners of the dashboard, their contact link is on the post.