Possibly Bug | S3 Analytics

I am attempting to add multiple s3 analytics to one dataset, but I’m unable to select more than one, which goes against what the heading suggests. When I select the second analysis, I get the following error in Console.

TypeError: undefined is not an object (evaluating ‘t[e].asMutable’)

Hello Jordan,

Welcome to the QS community !
The bucket must have storage class analysis enabled, with at least one filter. for more info see - Exploring your AWS data in Amazon QuickSight - Amazon QuickSight
After you configure a filter, you’ll start seeing data analysis based on the filter in the Amazon S3 console in 24 to 48 hours
Fore more info -Amazon S3 analytics – Storage Class Analysis - Amazon Simple Storage Service

Hope this provide some insights.
Thank you.

Hello Jordan,

Its been a while we have not heard from you. I hope and assume the issue has been resolved. Hence, i will mark it as solution. Let us know otherwise.

Thank you.