Quicksight connection with Aurora Postgres v14

Hello team,
I am not able to connect Quicksight with Aurora Postgres v14. As per the below stackoverflow post this is not possible. Is this post correct?

AWS Quicksight cannot connect to Aurora PostgreSQL in a private subnet - Stack Overflow.

Hello @vkhilari , welcome to the Quicksight community!

At this time I don’t believe that this is supported.

I will mark this as a feature request but depending on your use case I would recommend that youopen a support case like is suggested in the post above.

Thanks for replying .
Any idea , whether will this ever be supported ?

Hello @vkhilari !

The policy is that no roadmaps are released for future updates are released, that being said I do recommend setting up notifications on the What’s New/Blog page so that you are up to date on any updates made to Quicksight.