QuickSight multi-lingual support

Hello QuickSight community,

My team is currently looking into adding multi-lingual support for our out of the box Cloud Intelligence Dashboards and custom dashboards. We are currently unsure on where to get started and any help would be greatly appreciated.

Thank you

Hello @sbattou !

Have you tried some of the solutions mentioned here?:

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Thank you so much for getting back to me @duncan! I took a look at the link you posted and it’s very interesting but I’m having issues understanding the first proposed solution by @gillepa.

I have tried creating a multi-values parameter but I can’t figure out a way to provide it logic to return text based on the locale the user is using. Ideally, I would want something like this: ifelse(
SelectLanguage = ‘English’, “NameEn”,
SelectLanguage= ‘French’, ‘NameFr’)

Do you see any way of accomplishing this?

Hello @sbattou !

The ifelse statement you described should return the values that you expect unless you are looking for the UI to translate the text.

You will need to have the languages translated in your dataset or hard code them in. If you want to have a more robust solution that translate the text you will need to look into embedding the solution.