Setting parameters with Actions

How can I set a parameter with an action from a visual?

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Typically you would use an action of type Navigation Action. It quite straighforward: choose Custom Action> Change the type to Navigation Action > set the parameters to the value you want to assign.
(see Creating and editing custom actions in Amazon QuickSight - Amazon QuickSight )

Note that the visual needs to have a field with the target value of the parameter. If you need to do some changes, then create a new calculated field and use that in the visuals. This is a limitation at the moment but table visuals allow hiding such fields in case you do not want them to show for the end user.


Is there anyway to set the parameter value with the “filter” action? Navigation needs another sheet but in my case, I have visuals in one sheet

Hi @jjc,

You don’t have to create a new sheet to use the navigation action. The target sheet can be pointed to the same sheet you are currently working on.