Show Top 5 clients and rest clients summed up as 'Other'

I have 20 clients, and each client has multiple projects. I only want to show top 5 clients and the revenue generated by them and put rest of the clients in Other category. Then I need to show this in a pie chart.
Please suggest how to solve this?

@spitfire, you can create a dense rank calculated field using customer revenue . Use this rank field to create a new calculated field for clients to show client name as is for top 5 ranked and ‘others’ for any client where rank is greater than 5.
ifelse({rank_field}>5, “Others”,{Client}).


it didn’t work, tried your way

@spitfire looks like you are running into syntax error, please refer help guide to correct syntax.

I don’t think its syntax issue, ifelse syntax seems fine here.
I’m adding a sample dataset for my scenario, consider I have 4 clients, and each client has 2 projects and I want to show only top 2 clients based on revenue, rest of the clients should be shown as ‘others’.
Here I need to create cumulative revenue field first and then create a rank field based on cumulative revenue field, then create ifelse based on rank field to only show top 2 client names and put rest in ‘others’ category.
I guess now it’ll be easy for you to understand the scenario, please help how to achieve this.

client name project name revenue cumulative revenue rank
google google 1 100 300 1
google google2 200 300 1
tesla tesla1 100 200 2
tesla tesla2 100 200 2
apple apple1 75 150 3
apple apple2 75 150 3
meta meta1 50 100 4
meta meta2 50 100 4

@spitfire much simpler approach, you can create a pie chart with client and revenue columns, by default it will show all the 4 clients from the table above. Then you can update the properties to show number of slices displayed to 2 if you want to show top 2 and include rest in others group as shown below