I have created parameter for sorting with ascending and descending . If I click ascending in the chart should be in ascending order based on the measure value. Same for descending order. Is there any way ? @Alejo_Gordon_Batista @neelay
Hi Mirnalini, please refer to this video on how to realize custom sorting: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rpelUL9fin0
NO i do have parameter with drop down actions ascending and descending , If I click ascending , the y-axis “abundance” should be sorted ascending order and same wise for descending . How to bring this in calculated field , sorting the values in y-axis(abundance)
Hi Mirnalini, sorting parameter values with controls are not possible in Quicksight now. Please refer to this thread: Can we sort the dropdown values of a string parameter control that is inked to a dataset field?
You can add these taxonomy levels to the dataset as a “Taxonomy” column. Add an Taxonomy parameter in Quicksight and create a control, link this parameter to Taxonomy column. Then you’ll be able to select multiple values of the taxonomy level to control your visual.
Koushik have said we might get sorting parameter option by end of 2022 . Is Quicksight team enabled the option ?
@Sophia I have attached my query here
Hi Mirnalini, I’ve checked internally this feature is not available yet. I’ll try to see if can create a workaround. Please give me some time.
Hi Mirnalini, please try the method given in this thread to create your sorting.
i.e. create a calculated field ifelse({taxonomy level} = ‘Phylum’, 1, {taxonomy level} = ‘Class’, 2 …), then use Quicksight sort options to make it ascending or descending.
Hello @Mirnalini, I have marked the response above as a solution since it provides a workaround for your original question. I will also mark this topic as a feature request since there is not an easier way to manage your expected result.
If you have any follow-up questions or the solution provided did not solve your problem, please create a new question in the QuickSight community so you can be back at the top of the priority list from one of our QuickSight experts and link this topic to provide relevant information. Thank you!