Timestream dataset not available in Tokyo Region

Timestream cards are not displayed on the Create Data Set screen in QuickSight (Tokyo Region).
The Timestream check button is already checked on the QuickSight settings screen.
If the QuickSight region is changed to US or EU, the Timestream card will appear.
Is it possible to use Timestream in QuickSight’s Tokyo region?

スクリーンショット 2022-12-12 11.06.47

Looks like it should be available:

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Thanks for your reply.
I actually use Timestream in the Tokyo Region.

IoT Core(Tokyo) → Timestream(Tokyo) → Quicksight(Tokyo) → “Timestream” card is not shown on Quicksight dataset screen

IoT Core(Tokyo) → Timestream(US or EU) → Quicksight(US or EU) → Quicksight dataset screen shows “Timestream” card and I can create a dataset

Even if I use Timestream in the Tokyo region, I am unable to visualize the data in Quicksight.

HI @kumachang

We have notified our product team on this.
Do you have near Realtime use case ? if not, trying pushing data from Timestream to S3 and use it as data source for quicksight.