Unable to Add Users in AWS QuickSight Management Account

Hello everyone,

I’m facing an issue in my AWS QuickSight management account. As an administrator, I am unable to find the “Add User” button. It seems to be missing or non-existent. I have verified my admin privileges, but still can’t locate the button. Could someone please assist me in identifying what I might be missing?

Hi @kolodnydan - Welcome to AWS QuickSight community and thanks for posting the question. Is your QuickSight integrated with any SSO or it is a simple QuickSight implementation? In case it is simple QuickSight implementation you can navigate to your profile ( right top) → Manage QuickSight and then you can invite users. Please share a screenshot for Manage QuickSight page to guide you the solution.

Regards - Sanjeeb

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Hey thanks for the quick reply, My account is an SSO integrates what should I do in this case?

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@kolodnydan ,

you are missing the invite users button based on what you selected when subscribing to QuickSight.
Another post which asked a similar question : Missing Invite User button