Usage of Multiple rules in a visual

Hi All,

In a tab, I have 2 radio buttons.

I have setup the rules based on below conditions to display the tables

  1. On selecting Radio Button1, a set of visuals will be displayed and a different set of visuals will be displayed on selecting Radio Button2.
  2. Policy Number must have at least 1 selection in the dashboard. By default, no values are selected.

When i set both conditions as ‘Show as’ with respective value, only the first condition works.

When i set 1 condition to ‘Show’ and another condition to Hide based on specific values, one of the condition gets disabled based on whether the visual is hidden by default or not.

So, requesting your help to understand whether we can apply 2 different rules to a visual and get that working or any alternative solution available for this.

@Max : Please help

Hi @MadhuB

When more than one conditional rules are provided it works in “OR” condition hence anyone condition evaluates to true either it will show/hide based on configuration.

You can make radio buttons depend on each other to restrict the values it shown and there by we can avoid invalid combination selection.


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@apjvinod: Thanks for your reply.

We have 2 datasets in the analysis. On selecting Radio button 1, the Policy Number filter from 1st dataset will be displayed and similarly the Policy Number filter from 2nd dataset will be displayed on selecting Radio button 2.

In our case, by default none of the policy number values should be selected due to the high data volume and response time issues.
So, Policy Number filter will be blank (this is expected) and radio button 1 will be the default selection.

Due to this reason, ‘Cascading Filter’ option may not help

Hi @MadhuB

Currently these are the only options available for what you are trying to do.

I can mark the ability to change a separate parameter off another as a feature request.


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@Max : Thanks much Max

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