Hello! I have an analysis with multiple datasets, all with this line of code in them and the parameters configured: WHERE cast(t.startdate as date) between <<$StartMin>> and <<$StartMax>>
In the dashboard, I have one set of controls (also called StartMin and StartMax) to which all of my dataset-specific StartMin and StartMax parameters are mapped. These controls are given relative default dates of e.g. -30 days to +30 days.
Every now and then, the parameters in one of the datasets just disappear and that part of the dashboard breaks. When I open the dataset, the parameters simply aren’t there and a “missing parameters” SQL error pops up. I re-add them, save & publish, and then re-map them in the analysis, and then finally edit the controls to remove the old ones now showing up as “deleted parameter” in the analysis. It has happened twice today and seems to happen every now and then, as I use this technique regularly to reduce the amount of data being brought in.
I’m wondering if I need unique parameter names in each dataset, perhaps? Or is this a bug/glitch?
Thanks in advance!