Account Manager Contact

We have been with AWS/QuickSight for multiple years now. We’ve had a few different account managers assigned to us over that time. Over the past few months, I have been unable to get in contact with our account manager and other people that we have normally been able to email and schedule meetings with in the past. No one will respond. I have created a support ticket through AWS paid support but that hasn’t worked yet either. Is there any way someone in here can help us get into contact with our account manager again?

Hi @CoreyLeichty - You can have a chat session in support ticket so that one of the support representative can help you.

I am tagging @Kristin who can also try to help you from QuickSight side.

Regards - Sanjeeb

Thanks for your reply. Below is my latest response in my support ticket. This has been going back and forth for a few weeks though.

I understand you’re still not receiving any contact from the account manager.

I have already escalated this request to our leadership team to ensure that the Account manager reaches to you at the earliest.In the meantime, I have also forwarded this information to your account manger and I’m currently awaiting for the account manger response.

I understand how important it is for you to connect with the account manger so I’ll be taking the ownership of this request. Rest assured, I will keep this case locked to myself and will write back to you once I receive an update from your account manager.

Hi @CoreyLeichty ,

Hope the account manager got in touch with you already.
If not, please mail me directly (clicking my profile tile gives the option) with your org details and details of the QuickSight issue that you want to discuss.

I’m archiving this post now.

Arun Santhosh
Pr QuickSight SA