Cost Clarification for Registered Users in QuickSight: License vs. License + Session Cost

We are implementing an integration with QuickSight on our React Application
where we are:

  1. Assigning an IAM role to users by using the AssumeRoleWithWebIdentityCommand from the AWS STS service to provide temporary credentials for QuickSight access.
  2. Registering users in the “default” namespace of QuickSight as READER users using the RegisterUserCommand and associating each user with the IAM role.
  3. Granting access to specific topics using the UpdateTopicPermissionsCommand.
  4. Generating embed URLs for dashboards and generative Q&A topics via the GenerateEmbedUrlForRegisteredUserCommand.(This embed url is passed to frontend to display the Dashboard and Q)

Since our users are already registered in QuickSight, we would like to understand the associated costs. Specifically:

  • Will the cost for each user be limited to just the QuickSight license fee (e.g., author/author pro
  • pricing)?
  • Or, will it also include any session-based cost incurred each time a user accesses the dashboard or topic using the embed URL?

We want to ensure we account for all recurring costs accurately. Any clarification or documentation references would be greatly appreciated.

Hi @AjayV,

The cost will depend on the pricing model that you choose - user-based pricing or capacity pricing. If you choose user-based pricing, there will be a fixed cost per user ($3 or $20) regardless of how many dashboards or topics they access, even if they don’t access anything.

The number of sessions or Q questions matters only if you choose capacity pricing.

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Hi @David_Wong , we are using Subscription based cost for the QuickSight and Q Access, yet we are charged more than as per our calculation,I want to understand is there any charges, which i might missed in my calculation. we have only 1 Author Pro and 4 readers account. We should have been charged for Q monthly enablement fee of 250 Dollars per month, and License charges (501 and 43) and spice charges(currently we have only 1Gb of data very under the limit of 10Gb per Author account). Yet we are charged more monthly. can you kindly help where we can check the cost we are charged in details.

Hi @AjayV,

Without seeing the details of your bill, it would be hard to figure out where the extra charges are coming from. I think it would be best for you to contact support to get clarification on the charges.