Error when formatting visual

Sometimes I cannot make any modifications to a visual element because when I try to do it the editing tab closes itself every time I move my mouse.
Does anyone know hoy to fix this?

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hi @Zeke this things happen if your Sheet Layout as Tiled when you trying to create any analysis it automatically goes to the Tiled Layout only. So you need to change the Layout as Free-form once you select the Free-form it is asking for you to select your size on your recommendation.

To do that you need to follow some simple steps.

  1. Go to your analysis select the Setting menu from the list of all the menu which is available in the left side of the analysis workspace area.

  1. Then you can see at your end the Sheet Layout by default present into the Tiled mode so you must need to change it from Tiled to Free-form by selecting the Free-form radio button once you select then it ask for you to select the size of the analysis you select as per your standard then click Apply


Once you did this I think your issue will resolve.

Note - You can do the same things at the time of Analysis now QuickSight give you the capabilities to select the Sheet Layout before building your analysis.

You can see a dialog box like below New Sheet on that you have the options to select the Layout so you can select the Layout as Free-form instead of Tiled & also select the Size & then click Create.


Thanks for asking…


Thank you, @Biswajit_1993
Tried it and so far so good.


Hey @Zeke! Glad to hear that you are getting a good result! If, @Biswajit_1993’s solution works for you, we’d love it if you could help the community out by marking it as, “Solution”/clicking on the check box under that reply. Thanks so much! :slight_smile: