Filters in dashboard created from a "template" has an empty option in drop-down control

Hi Quicksight community,

I have a dashboard created with create_dashboard from a template (created by create_template) in another account. And I have a control based on a filter for a visual. However, this control will always have an empty or null option in the new dashboard regardless of whether there are null data in the dataset.

Is there a way to remove this and have the control drop-down list values match what exactly is in the dataset?

Chuning, there are a few different things you can do here to remove the existing controls.

First, visit the analysis and drop-down the controls. Find the control you wish to remove and click the three vertical dots to open some options as displayed in the image.

Then, go to the “Parameters” section on the left pane. Find the Parameter that corresponds with the control you are removing, and edit/delete whichever applies to your case.

Finally, ensure you visit the “Filters” section on the left pane to remove any existing filters that correspond with this Control/Parameter.

This link has very helpful information to help you create your own parameters and controls :grin: !
Click Here to learn more about parameters!


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