How to remove "Empty string" as an option under a field control selection

Our dashboard has a filter control that is linked to a dataset field. Our dataset has an empty string as a value, but we do not want the empty string to show up as an option under a field control selection. Is there a way to remove “Empty string” as a option but keep it in the dataset?


Can you use exclude filter on “Select Index” field in Analysis as mentioned explained in QuickSight filter documentation

For example I am excluding ‘SMB’ from segment field.

This exclude filter can be created on field at analysis level or dataset level.

Anwar Ali

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Hi @kennetdo

I believe the value still shows if you apply the filter at the analysis layer. If you don’t want the ‘Empty string’ value to show up as an option on the published dashboard, you have to apply the filter at the data prep layer, before you visualize the dataset in the analysis.

Just remember that if you do it at the data prep layer, that value won’t be available in the published dataset, so other teams using the same dataset won’t see that value.

I hope it helps,