Hello @bshevtsov, I am curious to see what the answer definition you imported looks like. The first thing I notice is that it is showing the invalid answer with an AnswerId of “hello”. Have you tried generating a random UUID and using that for any required ID fields instead?
With a little more information about the issue you are facing, I can help guide you further. Thank you!
Oh, no you’re not
I thought it helped after receiving “DUPLICATED_ANSWER” error, but after changing an answer still getting invalid json with “AnswerId”: “e3ddb8a1-7fd2-412a-9919-87c921cf6b91”
Sure, aws quicksight batch-create-topic-reviewed-answer --aws-account-id 06101111119 --topic-id jLEKMjqpl31111lnzYSo8e4Z7pf4s0Bg --answers '[{"AnswerId": "e3ddb8a1-7fd2-412a-9919-87c921cf6b91", "DatasetArn": "arn:aws:quicksight:us-east-1:061051111149:dataset/4ab37b92-10bc-446e-a7dc-d71111c6fbbd", "Question": "Which products have the biggest changes in volume?"}]'
This is cli command but I have also tested it with the python script
Hello @bshevtsov, I see now. I tested this on my end and you are missing a required field. Within the answers array, it is also expecting information for the fields you want it to reference. I was looking at the documentation, and it requires this section to be included:
If you include the required details for each field you want the response to reference, then the error should be resolved. Let me know if you have any further questions!
Hello @bshevtsov, that is really interesting. It seems like there may be a bug with this, or maybe the documentation isn’t correct. I would try including some values for Mir parameter and see if it continues to provide the same error message. I am curious if it will resolve the issue.
I’m not sure Mir is the problem, cause I have created a couple of the Answers manually, and describe-answers cli request returned json where mir is null and primaryVisuals were populated.
But anyway, what’s strange is that I thought primaryVisuals should be populated automatically during batch-create-topic-reviewed-answer, since what’s the purpose of Q then ?
Also, the case where we create answers manually on one of the accounts and store their artifacts(as json) somewhere may work for us. A question here is once using that json to import topics/answers in other accounts we should update datasetArn value. Is there a way to do it programmatically, like in bundle-import-job cli with overrideParameters?
Hi @bshevtsov,
It’s been awhile since last communication on this thread. Did you have any additional questions regarding your post or were you able to find a work around?
If we do not hear back within the next 3 business days, I’ll close out this topic.
Hi @bshevtsov,
As this seems as though this may be a bug, I would suggest creating a support ticket with AWS to receive further more in depth assistance.