Hide dataset editing options in analysis view

Is there any way to hide the below options in analysis?

  • Add dataset
  • Replace / Remove dataset

We are embedding analysis view in our application and we are trying to hide this option for end users

Hi @Sharmili - This is an interesting question. Can you provide user to reader access not owner access so that user can not edit the analysis. I believe as a standard, you can not hide these options.

Hi @Max @Koushik_Muthanna @David_Wong - Please provide your expert advise on this.

Regards - Sanjeeb

@Sharmili ,
could you explain your embedding use-case ?
An analysis is for authors to initially build before publishing it as a dashboard . You could restrict authors from having access to datasets. But the option to hide or remove is not possible.

Kind regards,

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Hi @Sharmili

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