I wanted to exclude a sheet while publishing the quicksight dashboard, I am trying to do this using python sdk

I wanted to exclude a sheet while publishing the quicksight dashboard, I am trying to do this using python sdk, I am unable to exclude them in the template too… the dashboard is being created from template

Hi @Hemanth_Vadde ,

Here is an example on using the new APIs : Accelerate QuickSight deployment using APIs: 2023 Amazon QuickSight Learning Series - YouTube
Addition to the above video , modify the json which you will use to delete the sheets which are not required and then create the dashboard.

Kind regards,

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Hi @Hemanth_Vadde

Did you get a chance to review Koushiks response - his suggestion is a good one. When using these new API’s you gain full flexibility to modify original dashboard (remove a sheet for example) and republish. Will make his response as the solution but if for some reason you have further questions please don’t hesitate in reaching out.


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Hi @Ramon_Lopez , the solution which kaushik gave will work only if I am deploying through cli as I can give a json file input in which we can exclude/include the sheet names. But in my case I am deploying through python SDK(boto3), here I will be calling create_dashboard method and the input would be the template, we can’t edit a template to exclude any sheets. So kaushik’s solution won’t work in my case as either the template can’t be edited or we cannot include Sheet names manually in the datasetreferences json which will be the input to create_dashboard method

Hi @Hemanth_Vadde

Though not my expertise i do believe that either method (CLI VS BOTO/PYTHON SDK) would support creating a dashboard.

For a template you would define the SourceEntity param, for providing JSON template you would define the Definition param.

Please let me know if i’m missing something.


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Hi @Ramon_Lopez,

What you said is right, but if we do not want to publish all the sheets present in the analysis to the dashboard, we cannot create a template by excluding the sheets, and same thing applies to SourceEntity param, there is no option to mention the sheetnames in the Sourceentity param for the boto3 sdk client, which is causing the problem