Joined dataset with RLS


I have 2 datasets which one of them is included and joined on the other.
if I apply RLS on it, the join doesn’t work and i get an error message:
" joining tables from different sources require SPICE, which this dataset isn’t permitted to use. To continue, you’ll need to remove the join".

Any advice how can I keep the join and the RLS together?

Thanks in advance,


I’m assuming your RLS dataset isn’t in SPICE?

You will need to make that one SPICE.

Or you can try to join these two datasets in SQL instead of QuickSight.

Hi Max,

both on SPICE before applying RLS.
I think the RLS change the query mode to direct query.

if it possible, I would like to avoid change in the dataset or analysis because it takes a lot of time and changes.

Yes, I meant that you will need to have the RLS dataset be SPICE.

The change in the dataset should only be renaming column names. For that I would make a separate dataset, do the join in SQL and then replace the dataset in the analysis. From there you can map column names to new column names.

the RLS dataset is also SPICE

I had the exact same issue a few weeks ago and was able to resolve it. The dataset was originally imported without SPICE. When I changed it to run with SPICE later it didn’t work and I got the same error you did. I’m not sure if it’s a bug in QuickSight, but I completely removed the dataset and re-added it as SPICE from the start. After that, I was able to apply RLS.

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