Joining datasets that contain RLS descriptions

I have a dataset that contains two columns: Group Name and Company name. They are used to restrict certain datasets to certain groups using row level security. I have one file and I want to have a way to add new groups and companies without having to reapply the RLS to each dataset. I have tried full joining two files but when I try to apply it to a dataset I get the following error:

If anybody could help I would greatly appreciated. Something to note is that when I do join, the columns are not consolidated into one. THere is a column for each variable for each data sheet uploaded.

Is there a way to consildate all data in the same columns?


There are some area we need to look, first check the column in RLS are exists as in your file.

Apply the RLS at the time of combining two datasets.

last one tip, you can use one dataset by combining both dataset on other layer like db and any file system and apply RLS.

This video may help you.

Naveed Ali

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@Naveed Hi, the columns in the original RLS exist in the file but when I join the other RLS file it creates new columns with new column names that don’t exist in the RLS as seen in the second picture I linked. Also how would I combine them on different layer like db and any file system.


I think you check the video, if not watch it carefully and identify which step is missing.
Naveed Ali