Labels of Axis are disappearing when resizing Even though Using Free Form Layout

Hi @team, I am using the free form layout.
When i resizing the visual the label are disappearing unlike in PBI.

Just Change of Height from 464 to 384

See Labels by width reducing upto 402 but no labels names if you reduce further by even though it is 2 points


Any suggestion or Any workaround without having extra visuals.

Hi @Venkat.Metadata,
It looks like the current limitation for label visibility is set at 400 for both height and width of a visual. So setting at 401 for each will be the smallest sizing you can go while still incorporating the labels.
Unfortunately, there’s not really a work around to get past this limitation, maybe you can include the axis label information within the subtitle so that it always shows up.

As there’s no real work around and I agree this would be a nice option to adjust, I’ll mark this as a feature request to promote visibility to the support team.

@Brett , Thanks for the consideration this as future request.

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