Wanted to ensure i understand how pricing for paginated reports works. My question surrounds a subscription to export data in excel (or .csv) format say 10MB in size to 5 users subscribed to the subscription. For each invocation, does this count as a.) 1 report unit i.e. sending to all 5 subscribers but total MB is < 100MB (5*10MB = 50MB) or b.) 5 report units due to sending to 5 subscribers? Also, if a. is correct is the total data to consider the 10MB or the 10MB multiplied by users that data is sent to as there is a 100MB cap per report unit. Thanks for the help in answering this!
The answer depends on if each of the 5 recipients in your example receive a unique copy of the excel (or .csv) file. Within QuickSight you can use Row Level Security, Column Level Security and Dynamic Default Parameters to generate unique reports tailored for recipients.
So, if each recipient has a unique report generated for them then 5 reports are consumed because 5 unique excel (or .csv) files are generated.
However, if each recipient receives the exact same copy of the excel (or .csv) file then only 1 report unit is consumed.
Hope that is helpful.
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Very helpful, thanks!