QuickSight Calculated Fields Size Limit

Hi, Could you help me understand how this 250,000 character limit is considered? Does it include name of the column as well or just the length of the calculation written inside the calculated column?

ex I deleted a string calculated field which had “krishna” i.e. 7 characters. But I am not able to create 2 character calculated field.

I am not able to understand how these 250,000 characters are being counted. Please help me understand this…



Hey @krishna1 !

To clarify, do you mean that the name of your calculated field is causing the calculation to throw this error?

My expectation is that QuickSight counts all bytes of information in the text editor as a character, so all alphanumeric characters, symbols, and spaces. Are you able to break up your calculated field in anyway to workaround the character limit?

Hello @duncan ,

Just wanted to know how this 250,000 character limit is considered? Does it include name of the column as well or just the length of the calculation written inside the calculated column?


Hello @krishna1 !

My assumption is that it is only the characters in the text editor.