I am using an AmazonBI account.
I am struggling to refresh my dataset on a daily basis (size:16.6MB, 18K rows).
Your assistance in this matter will be very much appreciated
As opposed to
I am using an AmazonBI account.
I am struggling to refresh my dataset on a daily basis (size:16.6MB, 18K rows).
Your assistance in this matter will be very much appreciated
As opposed to
Hi @chhbi - Welcome to AWS QuickSight community and thanks for posting the question. Looking at the stats, need more details.
Since QuickSight is a SaaS, when a SPICE refresh is failed, how it managed internally, we need AWS team to understand in details. I am tagging some of the experts for their feedback as well.
Hi @eperts @ArunSanthosh @Koushik_Muthanna @Max @David_Wong - Any advise on this. In past also i saw when a spice refresh failed, the subsequent refresh took time, do you know how spice worked in backend.
Regards - Sanjeeb
Hi Sanjeeb, thank you very much for your prompt response
My apologies for the “as-opposed-to” screen capture
From a different QS,it was just an example of a smooth refresh (please ignore)
I am using a custom SQL with 2 left JOINS
Data source:
Error Details
Hi @chhbi - Before going down the route of debugging what’s wrong with QuickSight, can you check with your database admin if there are other processes running at the same time as the QuickSight extract?
Check the database resources such CPU, memory, connections for anything abnormal. It’s not uncommon to have cleanup jobs and other data extracts all running at about the same time at which point the database may not be able to keep up.
Will do. i appreciate your help very much.
Kind regards
Hi @chhbi - Thanks for the updated screenshot. @eperts is right, please check with your redshift admin as this kind of error happened when there is an issue with Redshift DB side.
Regards - Sanjeeb
Hi, @eperts, @Sanjeeb2022 -
Thank you very much for your help.
Hi @chhbi - This is purely managed by your AWS admin team who can provisioned the access. Please connect with them? AWS QuickSight community group may not help you on this.
Regards - Sanjeeb